6 Perennials That Will Bloom in Your Garden All Year Round

Everyone has a favorite outdoor moment. Some people like to be outside, while others like to relax in their gardens with a cup of coffee or a good glass of wine. Some like a classical garden full of greenery, others an oriental garden with bamboo or a colorful garden. Do you like colors? Do colors make you happy? Then take a look at these flowering perennials that will make your garden party-ready!

Nothing would be better than to have a garden full of perennials all year round. To achieve this, it is essential to consider the blooming time and the hours of sunlight in the garden. By choosing plants that bloom at different times of the year, you can create a sea of flowers all year round. Also, check the length of daylight hours. For example, do you have a spot in your yard that gets about 6 hours of sun a day? If so, choose plants that prefer a sunny spot. Plants for partial shade can tolerate about 4 hours of sunlight per day.

1) Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are a standout among perennials for their colorful blooms. They come in various colors such as white, pink, purple, blue, red, etc. White hydrangeas give a calm and elegant appearance. Want to make your garden look fantastic? Then choose purple or pink. Or do you want something eye-catching? Then the blue hydrangea is for you. This hardy garden plant is easy to plant and transplant. Once you have planted your hydrangea, the next step is pruning so that they grow well year after year.

TIP: Hydrangeas can be arranged in a vase as cut flowers. Or, let the flowers dry and process them into a lovely piece on your table.

Fleurs, Bleu, Rose, Hortensia, Plante, Flore, La Nature

2) Camellias

If you are a lover of color, try planting camellias, also known as Japanese roses, in your garden. This graceful shrub produces many long, rose-like flowers. The flowers come in various colors: white, pink, red, and lilac. The camellia is also a wonderful potted plant for your balcony or terrace. It is a hardy perennial, so you can enjoy its beautiful flowers every year.

Camellia Fleur, Camélia, Fleur, Fleurir, Le Printemps


3) Buddleja

Make your garden a beautiful butterfly paradise. Buddleja is a garden variety of butterfly bush that produces upright, colorful flower clusters. These flower clusters are very popular with butterflies. The flower petals are popular with butterflies, bees, and bumblebees. Therefore, white butterflies, lemon butterflies, coccinellids, and Atlantans are likely to visit your garden. Enjoy the full bustle of your garden.

Vanessa Cardui, Papillon, Buddleja, Buddleia, L'Été

4) Rose Bushes

If you choose a rosebush, you are choosing the queen of flowers. Roses prefer a sunny location. The more sun they receive, the more flowers they will produce and the more color they will provide. When it comes to choosing potted roses, the choices are endless. Traditional reds, chic whites, or cheerful yellows – it’s up to you.

Rose, Plante, Nature, Summer, Sunny, Rouge, Magnifique

5) Magnolias

If you’re looking for something spectacular, the magnolia is a perfect choice. This perennial plant produces large, beautiful flowers. The flowers resemble tulips. Therefore, magnolias belong to the tulip tree or beaver tree. Magnolias bloom in the spring with white, pink, yellow, or purple-red tulip-like flowers. Want a more prominent strain? Then choose a magnolia with star-shaped flowers, also called star magnolia. With proper pruning, magnolias can grow into graceful trees.

Fleur, Magnolia, Arbre, Fleurs De Printemps

6) Lavender

Enjoy the butterflies, bees, bumblebees, Mediterranean ambiance, and wonderful fragrance. Lavender brings lively color to your garden. Lavender is a perennial herb with beautiful deep purple flowers. The flower spikes come in a variety of shapes. It is a plant that adds color and fragrance to the garden from spring to late summer. So, you can enjoy its purple flowers for a long time. Lavender flower ears can be used in floral compositions or tied as bouquets to decorate the home.

Lavandes, Fleurs, Fleurs Pourpres, Pétales

Which of these perennials will you opt for your garden? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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