Do you want to create a new garden? Apart from flowering plants, consider planting fruit trees that hold several benefits and ensure the protection of the soil against erosion. However, the choice of a tree is based on its benefits, its fruits, shape, and fruiting period (seasonal or all year long). So, discover here the fruit trees suitable for any garden.
The Orange Tree
This shrub produces edible and sweet fruits in the Rutaceae family, called “oranges”. They are fleshy fruits and have many benefits. The orange tree flowers, fruits, and leaves are used in various therapeutic treatments. An orange tree can grow up to 10 meters high with thorny branches and evergreen leaves (which last throughout the year). The orange is a hybrid of Asian origin, as it is a cross between the mandarin and the grapefruit. Indeed, the orange tree is ranked among the most productive fruit trees globally.
The fruits of the orange tree are considered an excellent source of vitamin C. They help stimulate the immune system, protect the skin against various aggressions, and fight against a state of weakness or fatigue. Its bitter leaves are medicines that aid in digestion. They also contribute to regulating the nervous system’s excitement to relieve cramps or stomach aches. Moreover, its flowers are used to make essential oils: orange blossom water and neroli essence.
The Quince Tree
This tree grows in autumn. It is a shrub of Iranian origin. It can measure up to 6 meters, and its fruit is called “the quince”, dry and fragrant. Quince is rich in vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants that help protect the body’s cells, and pectin help control the assimilation of fats and sugar during digestion. Eating a quince regularly ensures the reduction of blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood.
The flowers and leaves of the quince tree are sometimes infused to obtain medicinal substances used to soothe coughs and reduce fever. Quince juice is also used to remove chapped skin and accelerate the healing of skin wounds. To do this, apply a compress soaked in quince juice to the affected area.
The Mulberry Tree
Belonging to the Moraceae family, this tree from subtropical and temperate regions is dicotyledonous. It shows pre-leaves before the exposure of the plant in the open air. This fruit tree offers an array of benefits such as:
– element of exterior decoration
– effective means to eliminate parasites
– treatment for the reduction of inflammations of the stomach and gums
The sugar and the aroma contained in the blackberries are destined to manufacture wine or certain liqueurs. At the same time, its leaves are used for sericulture (breeding of caterpillars of domestic bombyx that produces silk).
Blackberries are rich in water (up to 88%) and carbohydrates (about 10%). They can be eaten raw. In general, they are fragile and difficult to market.
Finally, avoid planting large trees near your house to prevent accidents. But to ensure the proper development of your trees, you must regularly prune your fruit trees. Pruning, regular watering, hoeing, and fertilizing are also essential. Moreover, consider the disinsectization to avoid any diseases of the trees.