Aloe Vera: Growing this Healing Plant Has Never Been Easier


Aloe vera has been used as a medicinal plant for 3,500 years and has been called a health plant for ages. In fact, the healing properties of aloe vera have been known since ancient Egypt where it was used to treat skin irritations and to relieve constipation. The ancient Egyptians believed that the flesh of aloe gave beauty, health and made a person immortal. They used aloe vera to embalm the pharaohs. Later, this health plant began to be cultivated in European countries.

In the modern era, the benefits of aloe vera have been passed down from generation to generation. We learned all about this miraculous healing plant as children, when our mother and grandmother grew aloe vera on the windowsill so that the fleshy, spiny, wax-like branches could be used to lubricate any wound so it would heal quickly.

Planting and Growing Aloe Vera at Home

Have you ever thought about having an aloe vera plant in your home? Many people, after getting to know this ancient plant, want to have one in their home because of the infinite properties it has.

In this post, we will show you that growing this plant is very simple and does not require exhaustive care. Here are the tips you need:

Where and When To Grow Aloe Vera

– Where to plant it: We will look for a place that is neither too humid nor too cold, and where the soil is porous and nutritious. For this purpose, it is recommended to place the plant in a terracotta or clay pot, as this allows an easy and quick drainage.

– Time to plant it: The best time of year to plant aloe vera is in fall or spring.

The Plantation of Aloe Vera

  • The Options

For the organic cultivation of this plant, it is necessary to choose the way to do the planting. The basic options are to use a leaf or to use a sprout.

If we use the leaf, we must cut it from a good quality plant, we cut the base of the leaf, then we wait a few days (which can take up to two weeks) until it creates a film on the cut part, and finally we plant it. The leaf should be buried at least 1/3 in the ground. The leaf chosen should be about 8 cm

  • How to Plant Aloe Vera

Planting an aloe vera should be done from one of the sprouts or offspring of a mature plant. It is possible to do it from seeds but these are more difficult to find.

To prepare the soil in which the aloe vera will go, you will need to do the following:

– Put about two fingers of gravel at the base of the plant to help it drain and thus reduce evaporation. Although this step is optional, it is still recommended if you don’t live in a warm climate.

– Next, add some soil with sand or perlite, followed by nutrient-rich garden soil. Also, don’t forget to add organic fertilizer, never chemical. The plant should be covered until the leaves are born.

– Once the aloe is planted, it is recommended to start watering it after two weeks.

Caring for the Plant

– Place it in a slightly humid place where it receives sunlight. Ideally, it should be exposed to the sun for 8 to 10 hours.

– Water the plant every 15 to 20 days. To do this, use little water and try not to leave the pot flooded.

As you can see, having an aloe vera plant at home is not complicated. If you follow these instructions correctly, you will find that it will last you a long time and you will be able to enjoy it. Do you know any other tips for growing this plant at home? Share them with us in the comments below.


  1. […] Learn how to plant aloe by clicking here. […]

  2. […] Aloe would appreciate a position on your desk or bedroom table because it prefers indirect light. Please give it a nice bath once or twice a week for the best results. […]

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